Za razbijanje radnog tjedna osmislili smo sat za resetiranje kralježnice, izbacivanje otpadnih tvari nakupljenih sa raznih strana, te pripremanje za dane odmora. Sat je namijenjen svima koji žele malo vremena posvetiti terapijskom učinku yoge. Samim time sat je pogodan i za početnike i napredne vježbače, mlađe, starije i ozlijeđene. Ukoliko ste jedan od ozlijeđenih, molimo vas da svom učitelju to napomenete prije sata kako bi se sat prilagodio i bio ugodan i koristan svima, ne samo zdravima.

Program Yoga therapy vodi Andrea Vidas.

To help you sail through the working week we have designed a class that resets the spine, eliminates accumulated toxins and prepares you for the weekend. The class is meant for everyone who wants to dedicate a certain amount of time to the therapeutic effect of yoga. Hence, the class is fit for beginners and experienced practitioners, young, old and injured. If you are injured, please notify your teacher so as to adapt the class and make it pleasurable and useful for everyone, not just the healthy practitioners.

Yoga therapy is lead by Andrea Vidas.