Vinyasa Flow je dinamički oblik yoge koji se razvio iz Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga sistema. Vinyasa je povezivanje daha i pokreta kroz razne položaje. Vinyasa kretnje podsjećaju na ples, zbog toga se naziva Vinyasa Flow ili samo Flow. Ima brojne pozitivne učinke kako na tijelo, tako i na um. Tijelo se slijedovima zagrijava i povisivanje tjelesne temperature sagorijeva toksine nakupljene u zglobovima i muskulaturi te na taj način revitalizira tijelo, a um se smiruje ritmičnim zvukom ujjayi daha koji prati pokrete. Svi ti međusobno povezani parametri dovode do meditacije u pokretu i oslobađanja energetskih blokada. Ovaj sat je namijenjen svima, ali različitim fokusima i slijedovima može biti prilagođen svim vježbačima, početnima i naprednima.
Vinyasa flow vodi Andrea Vidas i Martina Šartaj.
Vinyasa Flow is a dynamic type of yoga that evolved from the Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga system. Vinyasa is connecting breath and movement through different positions. Vinyasa movements recall dancing, which is why it is called Vinyasa Flow or just Flow. It is extremely beneficial for the body and mind. The body warms up with a flow of sequences and the increased bodily temperature burns toxins accumulated in joints and muscles, and in that way revitalises the body, while the mind is calmed by the rhythm of the ujayi breath that accompanies the movements. All of the mentioned interconnected parameters lead to moving meditation and elimination of energy barriers. This class is intended for everyone, and may be fitted to all practitioners, both beginners and advanced practitioners alike, through employment of different focuses and sequences.