Dinamični stil yoge koji je početkom 20-tog stoljeća razvio veliki guru T. Krishnamacharya. Njegov učenik Sri K. Pattabhi Jois širi ovaj stil na zapad. Svi ostali stilovi dinamičke yoge nastali su iz prve tri serije Ashtanga yoge. Temelj Ashtange jest povezivanje daha i pokreta u niz asana (vinyasa) koje se uvijek izvode istim slijedom. Svaka pozicija priprema je za sljedeću i razvija snagu i ravnotežu potrebnu za nastavak vježbanja. Na Ashtanga Led satu učitelj vodi polaznike kroz prvu seriju, dok na Ashtanga Mysore satu polaznik slijedi svoj ritam daha, uz individualne asistencije učitelja.

Satove Ashtanga vinyasa yoge vodi Vlatka Valentić i Domagoj Mladić

A dynamic style of yoga developed by the great guru T. Krishnamacharya in the beginning of the 20th century. His student Sri. K. Pattabhi Jois brought this particular style to the West. All other dynamic yoga styles developed from the first three series of Ashtanga yoga. The basis of ashtanga is connecting breath to movement throughout a fixed sequence of asanas (vinyasas). Every position prepares you for the next one, and develops strength and balance necessary for continuing the practice. During an Ashtanga led class the teacher guides the practitioners through the first series, while at an Ashtanga Mysore class a student follows his own breathing rhythm with the assistance of the teacher.

Ashtanga vinyasa yoga classes are lead by Vlatka Valentić. i  Domagoj Mladić