English version bellow…
Ovo se odnosi na periode kada žena pokušava ostati trudna, zalazi u peri. menopauzu ili je već u menopauzi.
Iako nisu ista stanja ni potrebe pojedinih segmenata ženinog života, primjenom drevnih tehnika tajlandske, mayanske i ayurvedske masaže dobiva se bolja prokrvljenost područja reproduktivnih organa te se smanjuju tegobe koje svako od ovih vremena donosi.
Prije početka same masaže uvijek imamo malii razgovor da znamo što adresiramo, a kad počmem raditi, osjetim što se događa kroz trbuh i kako najbolje pomoći svim tehnikama koje znam.
Masaža je većinom jako ugodna i duboka, s povremenim mjestima nelagode koja traže svoju pažnji i pomoć…
Trajanje masaže je cca 75min
Cijena: 65e
This refers to periods when a woman is trying to conceive, is entering perimenopause, or is already in menopause.
Although these are different conditions with distinct needs for each phase of a woman’s life, the application of ancient techniques from Thai, Mayan, and Ayurvedic massage improves blood circulation in the area of the reproductive organs and alleviates the discomforts that each of these stages may bring.
Before starting the massage, we always have a brief conversation to understand what we are addressing. Once I begin working, I sense what is happening through the abdomen and how best to help using all the techniques I know.
The massage is mostly very pleasant and deep, with occasional areas of discomfort that require attention and care.
Duration of the massage: approximately 75 minutes
Price: 65 euros.