Ana Kutija je medicinska sestra, sportska terapeutkinja i viši trener sportske rekreacije s naglaskom na implementaciju terapije u sportski trening.

Učiteljica je multi-style vinyasa joge (TT200, Yoga Alliance), Hatha yoge te ljubiteljica Iyengar joge (stila joge koji se bavi jogijskom terapijom) koju je učila u Indiji od Suryansa Thakura. Drži predavanja iz Terapijske yoge na Om YOgaPro poligonu i redovito održava radionice yoge sa pomagalima te drži vođene meditacije i Yoga nidru. Pakticira reiki i Silva metodu, osnivačica je Zen centra te pokretačica i predsjednica Društva masera i zdravstvenih terapeuta Antesi.

Više o Ani pročitajte OVDJE…

Ana vodi satove Senior yoga program i meditacije.

Ana Kutija is a nurse, sports therapist and senior recreational sports trainer specialised in implementing therapy into sports training.

She is a teacher of Multi-Style Vinyasa yoga (TT200, Yoga Alliance), Hatha yoga and a fan of Iyengar yoga (a style of yoga focusing on yoga therapy), which she learned in India from Suryans Thakur. She gives Yoga Therapy classes at the association Om YogaPro and regularly hold yoga props workshops and gives guided meditations and Yoga Nidra classes. Furthermore, she practices Reiki and the Silva Method, is founder of the Zen Centre, and President of the Association of Massage and Health Therapists Antesi.

Ana teaches the Senior yoga programme and meditation classes.