Svi mi dolazimo na yoga satove sa nekim očekivanjima – nadamo se da ćemo se dobro preznojiti ili da će biti lagano, pribojavamo se jednog a nadamo se drugom položaju i slično. Kada se odvažite doći na Do You Feel Lucky, malo ćete izazvati taj dio sebe jer ovo je svojevrsna lutrija. Možda će biti brza vinyasa… možda će biti superslow… možda easy breezy… možda yoga nidra… možda ostanemo u jednom položaju 10 min a možda budemo puuuuno disali. Doživjeti ćete vlastiti puls. Znoj. Fokus. Dah. Senzualnost. Dosadu. Maštu. Svašta: kao i uvijek u yogi, kao i uvijek u životu. Možda se ostvari baš ono čemu ste se nadali, a možda nešto potpuno drugačije. Možda otkrijete da ste se zapravo nadali onom potpuno drugačijem… Onda? Do you feel lucky?
Do you feel lucky satove vodi Katarina Dujmović.
We all come to yoga classes with some kind of expectations: we hope for a good sweat or for an easy practice, fear one position and are eager to perform another one. If you dare to come to our class called Do you feel lucky, you will challenge that part of yourself that holds those expectations, as this class is a type of roulette. The class might be a quick vinyasa… It might be super slow… It might be easy-breezy… It might be yoga nidra… We might hold one position for 10 minutes, or we might breathe a loooooot. You will feel your own pulse. Sweat. Focus. Breath. Sensuality. Boredom. Imagination. Everything – as always in yoga, and in life. You might get what you came for, and maybe you get something completely different. You might find out that you had been hoping for something completely different… So? Do you feel lucky?
Do you feel lucky classes are lead by Katarina Dujmović.