Ashtanga mysore izvorni je način vježbanja Ashtanga yoge. Vježba se u grupi, ali svatko seriju prati u svom ritmu, prema vlastitom dahu i uz individualne modifikacije za optimalno poravnanje tijela. Učitelj pritom svakom vježbaču pomaže detaljnim uputama, savjetima i fizičkim asistencijama. Ovaj sat jednako je pogodan i za napredne vježbače i za potpune početnike, te daje pravu sliku Ashtanga yoge: neizmjernog raspona različitosti unutar zadanog slijeda asana i vinyasa.

Satove Ashtanga mysore programa vodi Vlatka Valentić i Domagoj Mladić

Ashtanga Mysore is the original form of practising Ashtanga yoga. It is done in a group, but everyone performs the sequence in their own rhythm and with individual assistance for the ultimate body alignment. The teacher assists each practitioner with detailed instructions, advice and physical adjustments. This class is adequate for both advanced practitioners and complete beginners alike, and reflects the real image of Ashtanga yoga: an immense range of diversity within the fixed sequence of asanas and vinyasas.

Ashtanga mysore classes are lead by Vlatka Valentić i Domagoj Mladić